The megalodon is back...
3 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Well, after the previous huge successes, "Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus" and "Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus", the world does of course need a third installment; enter "Mega Shark vs Mecha Shark".

Have you seen any of the previous two movies, then you know exactly what you are getting into here. Yeah, it is just that innovative and inspiring.

When I saw the movie cover, I immediately thought of the old "Godzilla vs. Mecha Godzilla" movie, for some reason.

The story is about a gargantuan megalodon shark being thawed out from its icy imprisonment, by the folly of human hands, of course. Freed from imprisonment, the waters become unsafe for everyone and everything as the megalodon got a hunger that seems to never end. Luckily, the navy is testing a prototype underwater submarine shark-like creation, and it is up to two people to put a stop to the megalodon before it is too late.

Right, very original script here, and amazingly well-thought through. This is about as cliché and stereotypical as it can get for a movie of this type.

But still, it is so cheesy and campy that it was fun to watch a single time. And trust me, a single time is all that you will watch this movie.

The acting in the movie was, as in the previous movies, adequate, but nothing out of the ordinary.

The effects... Well, let's just say that they weren't too bad, but nor were they impressive. The megalodon looked alright and was actually nicely enough animated. The metallic shark-like submarine, however, was a different matter at times, though.

Well, "Mega Shark vs Mecha Shark" is everything you would expect from a movie of this type. Watch at your own peril...
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