Home and Away: Episode #1.5868 (2013)
Season 1, Episode 5,868
"Quit avoiding me.You owe me that much."
5 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Slightly frustrating that it's the wrong Walker/Harrington relationship that people seem to be trying to fix.Irene randomly deciding to grab Spencer off the street and take him home with her isn't that much better.It's a relief when, instead of an unwanted Spencer/Sasha reunion, we get a much more welcome bit of Spencer/Ethan interaction. And then Sasha has to wander into the back of the shot and make it all about her.

The John/Marilyn stuff doesn't really go anywhere, although there's a nice if slightly redundant chat between Alf and John.It's good to get a mention of Lottie even if there's still no sign of her.

We finally get a proper conversation between people and Ethan.Well, Hannah mostly just shouts at him and puts Evelyn offside, but Oscar gets the chance to point out just how much Ethan has let him down, while Zac does a good job of playing peacemaker.
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