The humor of the truth
6 February 2014
Disney's Teachers are People is a wacky short that is captured with pure honesty as it portrays all the troubles an average teacher faces in a typical school day. Goofy plays a classroom teacher, forced to teach a plethora of delinquent children who were seemingly never taught respect or kindness and are basically running rampant the entire time, with one student named George causing most of the ruckus. The short is a colorful and often surprisingly hilarious endeavor, all the more-so when you realize how honest it is in the regard that this is what many teachers must put up with each and every day (most of which not to this extreme, I hope). As a minor footnote, the film does include one element that would most definitely not be included today, which is the short concluding with George bombing the school with his punishment being writing "I will never bomb the school again" on the chalkboard over and over again. However, for all the ruckus the short cooks up, it's surprising to note how much the finished product actually is, with bright, vibrant animation taking over and an always entertaining Goofy character taking prominence in the foreground.

Directed by: Jack Kinney.
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