The question is...
7 February 2014
... why doesn't Robert Reich open a White Castle and pay his employees 95 dollars an hour? Or, just the same, why don't you? According to the documentary, the answer is because he is evil and so are you.

On the one hand, you are greedy. You need money on your money to enjoy your money as you butter money on your money. You cannot stand the thought of money having any other owner than you.

On the other hand, you hate other people. You could pay 95 dollars an hour to your (potential White Castle) employees if you wanted to but, if you did, they might be happy and you want to cause as much gratuitous pain as possible to humanity. It is your second most vital ambition (after money) according to the documentary.

Don't let other reviewers throw you off. It's not an economic issue. It's a moral issue. Rich people are evil.

Food for thought. If you have been born middle class in any first world country, you have been born rich compared to 90% of humanity. As the documentary explains, this makes you evil... for the wealth you have enjoyed your entire life has been obtained through greed and with the sole intent of flippantly hurting others. In sum, humanity would not know what suffering means if you were not evil.

Now you know.
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