Under the Dome (2013–2015)
A nice surprise
7 February 2014
I thought this show was going to be silly, i mean, just look at the premise. "small town somehow gets trapped under a mysterious dome, and no one knows what the hell is going on". Its kind of ridiculous, and if it wasn't so good it'd be laughable. But the show starts off with some pretty epic foreshadowing and keeps suspenseful throughout, and it gets trippier and trippier as time goes on. Kind of like Lost without all the plot holes, if Lost had it already figured out by the first season. They're pretty good at showing the frailty of order, governance and human behavior. This is not your typical good vs evil, there are a lot of different players and many of them want to exploit the rest of Chesters Mill in any way they can. It goes from good old boys in a small town to lord of the flies pretty fast, and just for shits, there's a strange, possibly sentient force field that even the government doesn't understand. Oh, and also, maybe a conspiracy, but also maybe not. They're very good with the suspense factor.

I understand some of the reviewers have been disappointed with this show. I don't see it. It seems intelligently written, the concepts are new, and the cinematography is well done. To each their own, i suppose.
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