The Hospital (2013)
WELL for a home made film they get a(B)for the effort.I JUST HOPE.
9 February 2014
HERE YOU HAVE SOME guys that have a passion to make films.I myself have been involved in filmmaking I couldn't tell whether it was 16mm or a grade of look a like video.In any event they found the resources to get actors,a location,lighting,editing,original basic soundtrack,subject matter and a script.All these elements were pulled together in hopes of entertaining the public.At the end of my intro i wrote {I JUST HOPE} that the next time i see one of their films IT COMES FROM A BETTER SCRIPT.The story is everything most viewers are willing to sit thru low end technique if the story is intriguing.This very same story could have been told in a more interesting way.One idea would be to raise the social status of the women so when they were kidnapped and tortured the viewer could have felt more of a loss.the audience needs to think --HEY THAT COULD HAVE BEEN MY SISTER OR MY GIRL FRIEND.But no one wants to claim throw away low class women.Acting is pretending that you are someone you are not so make your actors act.There also could have been a villain and a hero and someone that was worth saving even if one of the VICTIMS SAVED THEMSELVES.Everything was present BUT THE STORY.
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