11 February 2014
I ordered this DVD and waited with great anticipation. I was hoping for a well done portrayal of the events following the Rapture but was greatly disappointed. Everything about this movie was bad. It lacked sincerity and realism. Eg: The Japanese reporter is walking on the street with his friend and they are supposed to be extremely concerned about the news suppressing the rapture story. The whole world is supposed to be in turmoil. While they are walking and talking, the people on the street behind them are going about the day normally, laughing and talking and shopping. During the classroom scene with the Atheist professor, the Christian students are extremely inept at defending their faith. If I were not a Christian, I would laugh at them too. There is so much more that I could say about this movie. I was very disappointed with the movie and I really wanted to be able to show this DVD around to friends but it is little more than an embarrassment and an example of poor writing and execution. Can't we make better movies than this? This is too important to slough off. Our faith is not based on simply faith. There is so much more to showing the reality of GOD and these people missed it completely. So Sad. I wish I could say better, but I can't. Sorry.
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