The Beverly Hillbillies (1962–1971)
Ignorance Is Bliss (?), Especially If You're A Beverly Hillbilly!
14 February 2014
Please, don't get me wrong here. I don't hate The Beverly Hillbillies. But, with that said, I cannot believe that this "one-note-joke-of-a-show" (about a seriously dysfunctional culture clash) that pit the "aw-shucks" ignorance of country bumpkins against life in the fast-lane of modern-day Beverly Hills society, actually lasted for 9 whole seasons - But, it certainly did.

I can only imagine that by the time the last few seasons of this show finally did roll around, the episodes were undoubtedly being milked absolutely bone-dry for anything worthwhile to laugh about.

As I understand it, upon its initial TV airing back in 1962, The Beverly Hillbillies struck a real, solid chord with the viewing audience and, almost instantly, became a phenomenal success. To this very day this particular sit-com ranks as one of the most watched TV shows of all time.

Yes. I will admit that there was some funny stuff in several of the episodes. But, far too often, it all came across as being just "too dumb for words". And, because this was all tied into its "one-note-joke" factor, its situations, though good-natured, became annoyingly predictable and downright tiresome after only a short while.

Personally, I don't think that this show's off-the-wall humour holds up very well, 50 years down the road. But, hey, that's only my opinion. If you happen to be a big fan of this show, I'm certain you'll think otherwise.
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