A refreshingly unusual take on the found-footage genre
20 February 2014
I just watched The Frankenstein Theory on Netflix, and I was remarkably impressed. I would personally rank it amongst my top five found-footage films, alongside The Blair Witch Project, V/H/S, Grave Encounters, and Devil's Pass. I particularly loved the random interjection of quirky humor and personality flaws -- something which seems to be a rarity in this genre nowadays. It boosted the suspension of disbelief and the gave the movie some added smarts. I genuinely felt as if I was following ordinary people on an impromptu expedition rather than underpaid actors reading from a B-movie script. I also think the unusual choice of location was sufficiently compelling given the story's mythological basis (a la Devil's Pass and The Blair Witch Project). Although, the movie didn't pick up pace until the end, I enjoyed the character development. It added to the documentary's credibility and curiosity, rather than the typical detachment that I often experience with these types of films. My only disappointment was the final scene. It was almost too predictable. Maybe the director ran out of ideas? Still, that's a minor criticism given the overall production value. Highly recommended for anybody that is looking for a suspenseful late night sci-fi flick and is willing to tread off the beaten path of Paranormal Activity lookalikes.
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