Four Star Playhouse: The Bomb (1954)
Season 2, Episode 22
Despite the sloppy use of stunt doubles, a very dandy episode.
22 February 2014
"The Bomb" is one of the better episodes of "Four Star Playhouse" I have seen and is well worth seeing. It's like a mini-movie crammed into a 30-minute time slot and it's amazing they got so much into the show.

The show begins with Janet and Charles (John Dehner) announcing to Richard (David Niven) that they are getting married. This is a HUGE shock, as Janet and Richard had been dating for some time. They thought Richard would blow his top but, oddly, he doesn't. Apart from stealing part of Charles' car, he acts rather gentlemanly about it. However, later the three of them are in for a fright when they find themselves trapped in a house with an unexploded bomb from WWII! While the plot is a bit contrived, the show is wonderful because of HOW the people react in this stressful and dangerous situation. This makes this show well worth seeing and has some wonderful acting. The only problem, and it's minor, is that the stunt doubles were OBVIOUS...very, very obvious.
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