The Invoking (2013)
23 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"The Invoking"-Something, a spirit maybe, is being called forth from some beyond. Is the whole title based on invoking her memories? If so, then the villain/hero should have given her more information. There is no foreshadowing at all. She appears completely normal. Does the villain plan for her to see the ghosts? If so, he has great talent that is never revealed in his other interactions. Realism? Where? No one would allow this creep to hang around and no one would like Mark. Ah, they are only symbols of her emerging memories--then this is very poorly done. It was clear from the beginning that they would all die, but how? By strained idiocy. The title is misleading and worst of all, if that is actually the cover of the DVD, then it is false advertising at best. No house even vaguely resembles the house on the cover. What a piece of crap this is. I will say that with a proper script, these people may have been better, but the villain is clearly a creep, a poorly done creep, and his goal is simply non-predictable and, therefore, fails to provide a satisfying conclusion.
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