Secrets in the Walls (2010 TV Movie)
Supernatural Light, aimed at pre-teens
23 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Recently divorced single mom Rachel (Ryan) moves into an under-priced dream house with her two daughters. Her oldest daughter Lizzie (Panabaker) takes the basement room that has a curious wall that they tear down. A ghost that died in the house years ago and is stuck there eventually uses Lizzie as a vessel and swaps souls with her to try and escape the house. The other daughter Molly (List) is part psychic and finally with the help of a spiritual friend convinces her mom on what is going on. This made for lifetime movie starts off promising enough with a touch of atmosphere and a spooky feel. The weight of its TV roots takes hold and everything becomes quite bland. For starters the ghost itself and how Director Christopher Leitch decides to show it to us is very lame and brings no tension to these moments at all. The possession angle is also lifeless and the script lets mother Rachel seem useless until the end in helping her daughter. Pre-teens or fans of horror light may enjoy this due to good production values; those looking for supernatural terror need not apply.
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