The Tenth Circle (2008 TV Movie)
24 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What are viewers expected to feel while watching this movie?

Glad that the girl who falsely accused a boy of raping her and drove him to suicide got to live? Didn't feel it.

Glad that there "must be" a tenth circle of hell for her to go to after hurting her family by lying to them and then going back to life?

Glad that there's that circle of hell for her after she drove her beloved boyfriend to suicide based on lies and manipulation? Glad that the boyfriend died after he was "punished" for dumping that prize of a girlfriend Trixi? (nice name for someone so tricky and manipulative BTW)

Sorry for the wife because she has a boring marriage and a house husband? Glad for her that she is breaking school rules by sleeping with her drug dealing student to make herself feel better about said boring marriage? Glad that she covered up for her daughters lies?

Glad for her that her pesky daughter is out of her hair while she's doing what she wants?

Glad that they can all go back to biding their time on earth before arriving at the tenth circle of theirs?

I didn't feel any of that. I was waiting for them all to be hit by a bus while the boyfriend and school full of kids stood laughing at them. Films like this make it hard for real victims of rape to be believed. It also provides teasing fodder for other students at schools where these rapes happen.
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