Talk about bad.
25 February 2014
OK,low budget film, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by corn, with an antique, possibly haunted yarn, with a scary old story surrounding it, with 3 blonde chicks...I mean cliché is the perfect word to describe this.

All in all, no excuse for the extremely,EXTREMELY, used plot, with ABSOLUTELY nothing new whatsoever, just a re-rewritten thing you've seen 10 times already. So if they couldn't bring anything different, with the help of budget, or maybe a cool horror actor, or something, anything, why make this? Yes, it is bad, the acting is amateur mostly, the plot, as said, is...just impossible to comprehend how can anyone say that THEY written it? Really? So it's like original too I guess...

Anyway, "Fields of the dead" doesn't go in the "to pass some time" category, nor in the "so bad it's good", it has a decent first half for a low budget horror, but then, when it tries to become horror, it becomes pitiful. I really hate trashing movies, especially horrors, because, well, people try to show what they can do, with a micro budget, so maybe one day someone will give them a chance, but this right here, is what we call, wasted-money!

Avoid it! Pretend it does not exist! Best advice I can give you.
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