The Australian film industry can do so so much better (I'm an Aussie btw)
25 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Whilst the basic idea of this movie is a good one -

"In 1943, five US soldiers are recruited by the OSS for a time travel mission to save the world from the tyranny of Hitler's 25th Reich."

the execution was lamentable!

(I'm trying to find a copy of the book it's based so I can do a comparison)

The low point for me being a 'homosexual', using the term very loosely, rape of the Captain commanding the GIs by one of his own men who's been turned into a giant metallic spider by a flying swastika in the year 2237 (it seems that they overshot the mark on their return from 50,000 years in the past). (This is also a concise summary of the standard, of lack thereof, of this film)

Whilst not at the depths so 'brilliantly' hit by Ed Wood Jr in "PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE" in 1959 "The 25th Reich" is certainly heading in that direction fast!

When I consider what my country's film industry can turn out I'm almost ashamed to admit my nationality if that also involves admitting any connection, even a cultural one, with this turkey of a film.

Now having comprehensively (I hope) canned it I find myself strangely hoping that they do make the sequel "The 25th Reich - War against God" so I can see if they can 'surpass' the late Mr Wood's fantastically low achievement!

Btw my wife's critique was "Wtf" and she asked "Is there a rating less than 1". And she was being charitable at the time!
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