Gilligan's Island: The Friendly Physician (1966)
Season 2, Episode 29
Brilliant Display Of Character Development
2 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Of the seven castaways, Luvey Howell must be the most insignificant of the seven castaways. She is only an extension of her husband, the millionaire, yet handled by Natalie Schafer and clearly with an understanding of who the former Wentworth woman would be, for the show's three season run, she is brilliantly fully developed and brought to life. She did have her moments (the Cinderella dream, her geisha dance in the Skipper's dream, singing in the Honey Bees, etc.) and she definitely shined in this episode, hilariously paired up with Alan Hale Jr as the Skipper.

When the mad scientist randomly switches the castaways personalities and voices with each other, first amusement is Bob Denver's voice coming out of Jim Backus, but then we get quite a bit of merriment watching Dawn Wells act like Russell Johnson (and especially see Johnson act like Wells).

But hands down, the funniest truly has to be Schafer and Hale. When a returned Thurston Howell III runs to his beloved wife to hug her, uttered in Hale's voice, Schafer growls, "you kiss me and I'll bet ya!" There is a rehearsal bit on film of this scene with the cast laughing at Schafer speaking these lines, no doubt in her normal voice, that I glimpsed in the Surviving Gilligan's Island program from 2001.

But even more, Hale chained to the bed and in the opening scene, he declares, in Schafer's voice, "Heavens! How can I go anywhere dressed like this?" Without a doubt, one of the funniest lines I think I've heard in the entire show.

When Ginger is switched with Igor (Mazurki), hearing his voice come out of the hour-glass figure and responding to 'Igor, where are you?' and he says, "I'm in here. Feels good," you can only imagine what such an experience must be like.

Still, I can watch this episode today and still laugh at Schafer's line coming out of Hale's mouth.

Stranger still, there is one bit line uttered by Schafer before she is switched with the Skipper in which she tells the mad scientist, "you must be one of those doctors who voted for Medicare!"
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