CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Cockroaches (2007)
Season 8, Episode 9
Academy award winning director William Friedkin takes CSI to the dark side
4 March 2014
This episode opens in classic Friedkin fashion with a spectacular car chase. Although CSI has been on the air for 8 years with an established style, this one is specifically molded into a Friedkin little film. All of his signatures as a director stands out with the chase, induced documentary style, dark character themes, and subliminal cuts. Much of the episode is a character study into Warrick Browns psyche and how he's living on the edge along with the future consequences of his actions.

The episode is dark, intense, thrilling, and more feature like than all of the other episodes. As a regular viewer of the show, it was easy to notice that this episode in particular was directed by a master director than a regular TV director. The difference here is the acting is more believable, the pacing is slower, every shot was not all filmed in close-ups, and every shot told the story visually. This episode is best one of the whole series along with Grave Danger, directed by Quentin Tarantino.
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