Review of Bullet

Bullet (I) (2014)
Laughable attempt at an action film... It would be less painful to poke your eyes out with a stick
8 March 2014
Bad acting throughout.

Bad direction throughout.

Bad acting throughout.

Poor story throughout.

Bad acting throughout.

Poor plot devices throughout.

Oh, and did I mention the bad acting throughout?

The story starts reasonably OK, but quickly descends into a mindless mess with poor continuity and random scenes that make no sense.

For example, having been kidnapped, the hero jumps out of a moving van only to find his car parked right next to where he jumped out... Well, that's just handy as they can now have a mandatory action film car chase can't they?

Very low budget film that has not used the little budget it had in an intelligent manner at all.

Only worth watching if you are in the mood for a laugh at how poor film making can get. A shame really as Danny Trejo was good in the Machete films, but then they did not take themselves seriously as this clearly does.

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