How tiresome to hear this brad guy's clueless review
11 March 2014
Produced by brad jones, written by brad jones, starrin brad jones as brad jones. Probably this item was submitted here by... brad jones, even though this is not a real film or series but basically just a guy with a web cam. Who likes to hear himself talk. Or, in this case, bleat.

He's reviewing the short lived 1998 series "The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer". Although he clears it of the false charge of racism, it quickly becomes clear that he doesn't like the series. Note that this show has a reputation as a turkey (perhaps undeserved but that's another matter). So brad doesn't really challenge that or come with an original point of view.

Still, to each his own opinion I'd say. But no, brad goes on and on arguing why his almighty opinion is a fact. Eventually it takes him just about as long as it would have taken to watch an actual episode and form your own opinion. So I guess that sums it up. If you happen to have a fetish for a certain brad jones (like he obviously has himself), than watch this. If not, don't.
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