The Transformers (1984–1987)
My all time favorite
11 March 2014
I was 11 when this show premiered in 84, I was hooked instantly after watching the first episode. This show caught me off guard as this was back before the internet and hearing word of new things sometimes took forever to get around. I started collecting the toys that year and remember seeing parents fighting over some of them at Lionel Playworld just before Christmas that year. I was growing out of toys by the next year but thought the Transformers was so cool I kept collecting them and had a huge collection by 2000.

I go back and watch my DVD's of all the seasons about once a year and while they are a bit dated and come across a bit cheesy today they are still better then any cartoon on today. The were definitely made for kids and if you can watch them with kid eyes they are very enjoyable.

The first season was lots of fun although it was short, the 2nd season was a lot thicker (more episodes) and was always great when they introduced new characters. The movie came out next and it ruined the franchise a little bit to me, I would of accepted the movie and the outcome in the movie a bit easier if they had run with the TV show a few more years with all the current characters before the drastic changes that happened. The 3rd season was not as good in my mind as all the new characters was overwhelming, the coolest thing about them was they took place away from Earth more and that I liked. All new worlds and more episodes on Cybertron. The 4th season was only 3 episodes but was a nice end to the franchise.

I would of loved 4 seasons all with the original characters before the movie and all the changes they made but since it is what it is I can always go back and watch these episodes and still enjoy them.

I would give season 1 & 2 a 10 out of 10 and season 3 & 4 I would give a 7 out of 10. I consider this the best cartoon ever made.
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