InSecurity (2011)
11 March 2014
Insecurity was awful. I saw three episodes and I think I deserve a medal or a cookie for being able to force myself just to watch that much. In three whole episodes I didn't laugh not even one time but I groaned at how awful the acting and the jokes were at least a dozen times, like audibly groaned, for real, because it was so horrible. That's how bad this show was. At least in my opinion, I can't speak for everyone, but will say that everyone I have talked to and know who ever watched this show thought it sucked. I am very suspicious of the positive reviews here because I have honestly not met many people who say they ever saw this show, and every one of the people who have told me they saw it said it was the worst. Maybe it's a regional thing and other regions like the show better? I have no idea. But this show was really horrible as far as I'm concerned. It's easily one of the worst written shows CBC has ever made and the cast was terrible.
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