Mother Up! (2013–2014)
i think its hilarious
12 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Really funny show if you are into this kind-of humor. not for people who are offended easily or think that cartoon characters should be role models for people in real life. but if you are like me and enjoy watching shows like family guy, south park, kevin spencer and such give it a shot- even if it is just to hear Eva Longoria call someone a 'baboon fluffer'. Bottom line- i think the show is hilarious, but if you are easily offended or cant laugh at yourself for whatever reason then maybe its not for you. i watch shows like this to be entertained, not learn life lessons, parenting skills, etc. i also kind-of wonder if some of the negative feedback i've seen for this show is just because some people do not like Longoria for some reason or other. i started watching this show with no preconceptions of her and am now a huge fan of this show.
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