Review of Emergence

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Emergence (1994)
Season 7, Episode 23
An interesting way to retell a rehashed plot
13 March 2014
As we approach the final episodes of season seven it is obvious that the writers are having a difficult time bring new plots into the scripts. In this offering we have another story of a developing life form. But the writers reach deep down on this story and the new life form is the Enterprise itself.

It all begins on the holodeck when a program malfunctions and begins running more than one program. Then the Enterprise begins operating on its on accord as if the ship is thinking for itself. And as with all these types of programs it will be up to the crew to help with a possible emerging life form.

This was a rehashed story that has been used many times in the series. But what saved this show from becoming another repeat plot was the way the episode used the holodeck program characters to tie the story together with the main plot. It was a new way to bring an old story-line to life. As we approach the end of the series this episode proved that you can do new things with old plots. Which should have been used on many of the episodes in weak season seven.
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