Horizon: The A6 Murder (2002)
Season 39, Episode 12
The A6 Murder
14 March 2014
This is one of two excellent documentaries released around the time of Hanratty's posthumous appeal. James Hanratty was a petty criminal who committed one of the most shocking crimes of the decade. In August 1961, he kidnapped lovers Michael Gregsten and Valerie Storie at gunpoint, murdered Gregsten, raped Miss Storie, and after emptying his gun into her, drove off in Gregsten's car.

Incredibly, she survived although paralysed for life, and would be the key witness at his trial. For a number of reasons, considerable doubt was cast on Hanrtty's guilt both at the time and for decades after his execution. Then, with the advance of DNA technology, exhibits from the original trial were submitted for tests. Hanratty's brother was ecstatic when the case was referred back to the Court of Appeal, claiming it was like winning the lottery. But after the body was exhumed, these tests confirmed that it was Hanratty who had raped Miss Storie. Game over.

Alas, there is no convincing some people. This documentary focuses on the forensic evidence and doesn't go into the ludicrous conspiriology surrounding the case in any depth.The weakest contribution comes from the lawyers acting for the Hanratty family.

There are probably a few tiny mistakes in this programme; the officer in charge of the case is alluded to as Robert Acott; although he was known as Bob, his name was actually Basil.

Among those who appear are Valerie Storie – who has never wavered from her belief in Hanratty's guilt - and Michael Sherrard, who defended Hanratty. Sherrard died in October 2012, by which time he had accepted his client's guilty. And so should you.
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