BlinkyTM (2011)
"No problem!"
15 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
One of the things I really liked about this short was how it, before rushing headlong and irrevocably into horror territory, does an effective enough job with the few more dramatic scenes of establishing why the kid is so lonely and messed up inside that he would treat the poor little robot helper like complete s**t until he eventually scrambles its circuits and causes it to turn homicidal! When I first watched it I thought that the constant mistreatment had somehow bred some kind of resentment in the robot against the boy, what especially make me think that theory was the definite 'tone' with which it says "Look at the mess you made." But I suppose the most credible and obvious reason it turns murderous would be simple "user error." It did get left out in the rain, was given multiple conflicting commands, the order by the kid to kill everyone and probably the mother's "If you make a mess like this again I'll have him clean and cook you for dinner", creating an order 'stack' so that when it rebooted, it was simply doing what it was told to as perceived orders from the family. The robot was the only real intelligent character in the story! The robot's design was eerie because it looked so innocent, like it had a permanent sweet smile on its face. It looked like a cross between Wall-E and R2-D2, and I honestly had no clue that it was a CGI creation, it looked like it was really there to me. It is such a wonderfully chilling moment when it grabs the meat carver from the kitchen drawer and says "Ready or not, here I come!" And that sure is one helluva nightmarishly grisly twist! The moment is all the more disturbing because it's slightly humorous by the cheery matter-of-fact way in which it informs the astonished parents! It's more effective in that it's what the robot was implied to have done, not what was shown. I think the ending would have worked better if they'd have just left it with the door closing instead of showing the unnecessary moment of gore which I found a little tacky. It just goes to show you, don't ever take out your troubles on someone that's only there to help and wants to be your friend, even when it's just a machine. Alex would have been just fine if he'd only respected Blinky, but the constant abuse made a monster out of it. Very good, it seamlessly blends elements of family sci-fi and horror into a wicked short which combines the creepy terror of the killer robot with the more old-fashioned macabre horror of cannibalism. That horrid little brat was a creep, he asked for it! Not too many problems that I personally can think of with this short, it delivers the goods. Later!
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