476 AD: chapter 1 a great film that begs to be seen.
16 March 2014
This film portrays the events surrounding Flavius Aetius's triumphant return from his victorious last battle. At a time when The Roman Empire was in its last throws of collapse, Aetius brought glory to its people. Ivan Pavletic's portrayal of Aetius, who fought the Huns and returned a hero, highlights the reality of what led to the down fall of the empire and meeting an enemy on a battlefield may very well be the easiest fight. Often the within proves to be the most formidable foe. The making of this film is a great example of why independent films continue to prove that big money and the Hollywood formulas aren't necessary to create a movie of quality and importance. I enjoyed watching this movie and felt that it was a well crafted combination of talent and skill comes together in Pavletic's film, giving it the right recipe for success.
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