So which movies has Roger Corman starred in?
19 March 2014
From a previous review: "With Gary pulling off the classic (Roger)Corman trick of casting himself in the lead (keeps the budget down and puts the producer on set every day :-)" WTF? Corman has probably produced over 100 films and though he has sometimes made Hitchcock-style walk-on appearances, he has never played the lead in any film! 'Bikeboy' references Corman about 10 times in his review but has he actually ever seen a single Corman movie? Smells like someone involved in the production trying hard to link Roger's good name with this inferior product... Jeff Burr is a good atmospheric director given decent material but unfortunately this messy film falls far below his usual standard, with the late lamented Richard Lynch being about the only reason to sit thru it. Whoever thought having a Luger pistol as a world-threatening super-weapon was a great idea? An excellent handgun for sure but not exactly the Ark of the Covenant...
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