Review of Tyson

Tyson (1995 TV Movie)
Let's Not Feel Sorry For A Convicted Rapist
20 March 2014
I'll be totally honest and say when Tyson beat Trevor Berbick to become the youngest world heavyweight champion I was mesmerised by this boxer . Lightning hand speed , power and someone who livened up the rather staid and fractured heavyweight division that was being left behind in a golden age of boxing that featured Leonard , Hagler , Hearns .Perhaps the most sympathetic thing about him was his tale of why he took up boxing , of the older kids beating him up and learning how to fight to merely survive the human jungle of New York's mean streets . This however turned out to be a fairy tale and the reality was Tyson learned boxing in a reform school where he was sent to having carried a series of street robberies and where he met Cus D'Amato who effectively adopted the thug . It was D'Amato who steered Tyson from crime . As well as being a mentor he was also something a spin doctor and the myth of " poor unfortunate victim of bullying " was just that - a myth but it makes for a nice story . After all a violent sociopath is no role model , especially and ironically in the world of boxing where an audience in general and an American audience in particular like their heroes to be good guys . When D'Amato died in 1985 not long before Tyson became world champion the only calming force in Tyson's life was gone and the boxer was heading for the rocks . Before his loss to Buster Douglas there were stories of street brawls outside the ring and his fights inside the ring were often farcical . The division lacked depth and his victories were either against fighters who were past their sell by date like Larry Holmes or against opponents who'd go out of their way to merely last the distance like Bonecrusher Smith or against opponents who'd be in awe and freeze such as Frank Bruno or Carl Williams . All this was before he was convicted of rape of course

To be fair this HBO bio-pic doesn't sugar coat the boxer as much as I remember . It does point out that Tyson the child was disturbingly street wise and was heavily involved in crime " Forty convictions ? Not even Al Capone had forty convictions ! " . It also makes a point that even in his teen years Tyson had a run in over a girl and that he contracted venereal disease . Not much of a role model is he ? but at least it doesn't paint him as a victim - well until later . Enter Paul Winfield who gives an all too realistic performance as Don King , a man so greedy and exploitative that he's a walking advert for Stalinism .Winfield has a lot of fun in the role and while you might say the performance is a little too obvious it'd be impossible to play King in a subtle manner as he's one of the most flamboyant , larger than life

characters in the world today . He goes out of his way to grasp the milk cow of Tyson in his talons . This is where things start falling apart to a degree . King exploits Tyson when he's at his most vulnerable but remember Tyson is a street smart thug who one would expect to know all about King . Heck I was a skinny Scottish teenager in the 1980s living on an obscure Island and I knew all about Don King so why not Tyson ? Total greed on Tyson's part wouldn't have everything to do with it ? No of course not . . It also insinuates that Tyson fell in love with the wrong woman - Robin Givens - and this contributed to his downfall . Well if you beat up your wife you can't blame her for walking out on you . Interesting this domestic abuse seems to be played down . Oh don't tell me she was just interested in Tyson's money . None of us are privy to the marriage between Givens and Tyson but if she was after Tyson's money wouldn't she have signed a pre nuptial agreement ? The amount of negative press against Givens from this period was disgraceful and it's not like Tyson had a glittering reputation where violence outside the ring was concerned .

Disgracefully when the rape case was done and dusted there were those commentators who were quite happy to fling more innuendo about the rape victim crying rape due to Tyson's wealth etc . The bio-pic does seem to suggest that we're supposed to make up our own mind if Tyson was guilty or not but the fact that a jury who sat in court all day everyday and listened to all the evidence from all sides found Tyson guilty of rape so there's no ambiguity involved - Tyson is a rapist and to suggest otherwise is a disgrace to both the victim and the rule of law
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