Total Eclipse Of The Heart ..
20 March 2014
Like " Silver Linings Playbook " , " Blue Valentine " , " Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind " .. etc, this belongs to one of the most rare genres of movies that a few appreciate .. This is true love ,life,loss,regret,emotional disturbance, choices, pain, reality, stereotyping and decisions with their deepest core explored:

1- Love is much more than what we hear about and fantasize.

2- Loss is unimaginable, especially the loss of a child who you saw with your own eyes going through a lot of pain. Life between people after loss, even the ones with the most romantic stories ever, is really challenging, and we can imagine the " loss " theme here as anything, maybe it's the death of a child, maybe a mental illness, maybe a disability or an accident. Choosing to go on is never easy and requires a lot of patience and strong will.

3- We can see in the movie how life throws you in all this, and it would be really sad and depressing if you throw more at yourself and choose not to fight back.

4- Acceptance and all the feelings coming with that.

5- Exploring the " beliefs " theme. What stands out is that it doesn't try to manipulate you into thinking that something is right or wrong, it just takes you to the most profound questions a lot of people have wondered about, sincerely and without alterations.

6- Applause to a movie that finally, could show the American policy - policy and not society or people- for what it really is: " Technology for killing people knows no bounds, but technology for curing people is a different story". It might be the land of freedom for a lot of people, but this story has a couple of neglected sides. The Republicans' history, the crimes in the middle-east and a lot of stupid laws passed are a live witness on what the American policy has helped the world to reach.

7- The reality factor was so strong, raw and gripping and this is something rarely depicted in American movies. I've seen a lot of American movies with nudity and profanity, but never have I seen one that showed a chubby woman or a man with broken teeth or anything nearly like that, because they are so obsessed withe the " perfectness " of everything, which is basically an illusion, because nothing's perfect and beauty is in the eye of the beholder !!

I would do a strange thing and recommend this to anyone who has ever thought about committing suicide or knows someone who has suicidal thoughts .. Yes, it's too much to handle on the emotional level, but it gives you so much to fight for when you see giving up and suicide from an outsider's viewpoint .. There's still too much beauty to let go ..

This movie could be about so much things, the director and the writer could have made it about religion or differences or thinking, but they chose the right decision, which is only use a glimpse of each and how they would affect the main storyline .. Unbelievable performances from the actor, marvelous direction, amazing editing and great music. Thanks to everyone who participated in this.

The movie is Belgian, it was nominated for an American award and I'm an Egyptian, and it somehow could touch us all and play at the most delicate heart strings ..
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