Bengazi (1955)
From now on I'm traveling strictly 1st class
17 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Boring and sleep addicting film that has you struggle to stay awake to see it through to it's final and totally mind numbing conclusion. It, the film "Benghazi", has something to do with buried gold in the middle of the Libyan Desert that it's rightful owners a local Bedouin tribe seemed to have totally forgotten about. That's until some 10 years later when the just released from prison Selby, Richard Erdman, together with American far away from home, Buffalo NY, John Gillmore, Richard Conte with and without his shirt on, put their heads together and planned to recover it. It was Selby while a member of the British 8th Army in WWII in Libya who had stolen the gold from the Bedouin tribe and buried it a an abandoned and bombed out Mosque. Now together the two plan to grab the gold and check out of the country and start better lives for themselves playing craps & black jack on the gambling tables in Moneco.

There's also the Irish bar owner Robert Emmett "Wild Bill" Donovan, Victor McLaglen, who's been estranged from his wife and daughter for some 15 years. It's when his daughter Aileen, Maia Powers, while on a pleasure cruse in the Mediterranean check into town that things started getting a bit serious between the cast of characters in the movie. Papa Bill got very guilt ridden in what he did by leaving both wife and daughter out in the cold and Aileen got very serious with American fortune hunter, for the Beouin gold, Gillmore and the top cop in town Insp. Levering, a Scotsman no less, played by the murdering his Scottish accent Richard Carson got very interested in what Gillmore & Selby were up to as well. That while he was as getting romantically interested in Aileen Donovan!

***SPOILERS*** movie limped along to it's final conclusion with the cast trapped in the desert Masque surrounded by some 50 Bedouin tribesmen intent on massacring them. In the end the gold digging, who in fact dug the hidden gold up, Gillmore came to his senses after being shot and decided to return the gold to it's rightful owners the Bedouin tribesmen. Thus allowing everyone still alive in the Mosque to go free. The big surprise in the movie is why the Bedouin tribesmen didn't just ask Gillmore & Co. to return the gold to them in the first place! Since being surrounded with no hope of being rescued what choice did they have and what else could they have possibly done!
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