Perry Mason: The Case of the Angry Mourner (1957)
Season 1, Episode 7
What do you want! Your supposed to be announced!
14 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
****SPOILERS**** Perry Mason, Raymond Burr, has his vacation interrupted when a frantic Bella Adrian, Sylvia Fields, came knocking at his bungalow door asking him to help her daughter Carla , Barbara Eden, who's soon to be indited in the murder of womanizing playboy Mark Cushing, Eric Sinclair. Mark who was immobilized due to a surfing accident tried to put his hands all over Carla's bra and panties only to end up dead some time later. With Carla being the last reported person to see Mark alive it was a given that she may well have murdered him or killed in self defense; that's after he got a bit too friendly with her.

It soon turns out that Bella not Carla is the one that all the evidence to Mark's murder points to with Perry now her defense attorney. Everything hings on the testimony of next door neighbor Sam Burris, Malcolm Atterbury, who claimed he heard a shot at Mark's place and went down to investigate. It was discovered that Bella was there a bit earlier trying, she says, to eliminate all evidence that he daughter Carla was there around the time Mark was murdered. Or better yet was there at the time,unknown to everyone, the person who murdered him made his or her escape!

Perry is at his aggressive best in this episode as he lays into Mark's girlfriend Marion Keats, Joan Weldon,breaking her down on the witness stand admitting that she in fact discovered Mark's body before Bella arrived and in tampering with the evidence ended up framing her. In fact it was someone else who gunned down Mark who in his arrogant, not womanizing, nature was playing his TV and hi-fi stereo at all hours of the night and day making life a living hell to all those within earshot of his house. Mark was an arrogant creep who couldn't keep his hands to himself but the reason for his murder had nothing at all to do with that. It was his bragging about himself and his exploits as well as trying to relive them, at Carla's expense, that did!
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