Very Disappointing
22 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I am at a loss for words at how bad this movie was. When I saw Tom Sizemore was in it I knew it was doomed. The movie went downhill from there.

I have watched a few SEALs movies and they were nothing like this. Firstly I don't think any member of the team would sleep with anyone, especially someone they just met. Seriously what SEALs member would sleep with an asset that had been held captive, tortured and probably raped. The asset would be traumatized. SEALs members are there to do the mission and nothing else. They wouldn't deviate from the mission; they wouldn't let their guard down. They are highly trained men.

I would think someone would come and take the asset away from there if those men were going to another site. There didn't seem too much direction from the higher ups and this team was allowed to run amuck.

They also wouldn't hesitate to kill someone as he did near the end. Sorry I don't remember his name; I didn't pay that much attention.

The gunfights reminded me more of Die Hard movies than a SEALs movie. And I'm really wondering where all that ammo came from.

I didn't expect the movie to be 100% authentic but I did expect some authenticity. So I was disappointed when this movie had little to none.

If you have a couple of hours to waste to watch a movie with no real entertainment value then this is your movie.
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