Night Heat: Silk (1988)
Season 4, Episode 1
Municipal Corruption & Mafia Debts
23 March 2014
A corrupt city councillor (Ron Lea) threatens to go public with evidence of widespread graft in the city connecting his council colleagues. Grandstanding and preening in front of the media in the lead-up to a mayoral bid he ruffles the feathers of local crime bosses who thought they owned him.

Concurrent to that is an anonymous tip to the location of a mysterious yet legendary contract killer known only as 'Silk'. Cops of the Midsouth precinct raid the location finding only a fifteen year old girl and her infant child. The girl remains completely recalcitrant with the police up until she starts actively misleading them.

Word amongst informants is that Silk is in town to assassinate the councillor. The politician of course demands protection whilst insisting none of it conflict with his photo ops. Midsouth cops aren't amused as they feel taken advantage of by a media whore politico but he is delighted to remind them that it is their job.

Whether they can stop Silk is unclear particularly since they cannot ascertain whether the mysterious killer even exists. To try to locate him and get him before he liquidates his target mostly depends on what the teen girl reveals voluntarily of accidentally.

The reason that Old City Hall in Toronto is used in films so much more than the City Hall which replaced it is because Old City Hall actually looks like a City Hall. The modern art/science fiction monstrosity which is Toronto's current City Hall doesn't look like much of anything other than a Martian tuning fork.

Nerene Virgin who guest starred in this episode as the councillor's flirtatious assistant combined teaching, acting, voice-over work and broadcast journalism in her career. Canadian actors who want to stay employed have had to be versatile and she showed many how.
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