Tomalio (1933)
Arbuckle's Finale
23 March 2014
Tomalio (1933)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

The sixth and final film that Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle made for Vitaphone also turned out to be his last film. This, and the previous three films, were all released after the actor's death and sadly this here is the worst of the bunch. In the film he plays a rather dimwitted man who along with a friend (Fritz Hubert) find themselves in a South American location where they go up against a General who likes to put people in front of a firing squad. It's always amazed me at how many great actors have ended their careers making very bad movies. I guess we really can't hold this one against Arbuckle too much since four of the six movies were unreleased at the time of his death so I'm sure the studio held this one for last since they knew it was a stinker. There's really no reason to watch this picture unless you're just a fan of Arbuckle who wants to see everything the actor did or just have a curiosity because this was his last film to get released. Either way, there really aren't too many laughs here because the majority of the running time just repeats the same bad jokes over and over. Even worse is that Arbuckle himself seems rather bored with the material and the supporting players don't add anything good. It's funny but the following year Bob Hope would appear in a similar film called GOING Spanish, which is even worse than this one.
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