Freezer (2014)
Should have left this one in the Freezer
25 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The initial premise is good. Man wakes up trapped in Meat locker, not sure how he gets there and said plot unfolds. The film itself try to follow the mold of the genre, but quickly collapses with plot holes, meandering dialogue and poor continuity.

The arrival of the 3 Russians really signals the end of the film for me. The crazy one with the gun, the beauty with the tragic accent, the bodyguard with the acting skills of a hamster and the lead himself, bantering inanely trying to save his life.

The conclusion is predicable, the acting in general stilted and unless you get this movie free, then just re-watch several of the other films available in this genre, then you won't feel you've lost 90 Min's of your life.
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