Review of Noah

Noah (2014)
True Believer
27 March 2014
Russell Crowe was the right man for the job. Just as Charlton Heston was the man in his time to play Moses, so was Crowe in this time to play Noah. What many who are unfamiliar with the Bible would not see, is that they were both playing prophets. It is not personality that carries any weight here, but position. For a prophet is even more of a position than a president or a king. They are chosen and anointed by God. Driven men, they are very severe in their demeanor. They are still that way today.

Prophets in the Bible were the ones who crowned the king. They did that because they outrank them. That's what the cross comes before the crown means. It is the man of God who comes before the man of the people. It does not matter whether we like that or not, it's not our show. It is God's. All of it belongs to Him. He has just given us some lights and a camera for a few minutes, and then we stop breathing. Even our breath belongs to Him. God is not shy about being God. He likes being God and He is good at it.

Industrial Light and Magic who has put out the lions share of so much of the unforgettable special effects since we were kids, continues their most excellent work here. As good as they are don't be fooled by all the smoke and mirrors. A very real fallen angel is the master of that. Deception is what he specializes in. It means something is going on right in front of you, but because you don't see it, you don't think it is happening. We are so distracted with the phony that we've been trained to believe what is not going on right in front of us, just because we see it. Jesus warned us again and again about massive deception in the Last Days, and that they would be like the days of Noah. This movie shows the divide well.

You can only see God with the eyes of your heart, which is your spirit. Not the organ pumping your blood. He made it that way on purpose. He does not reveal Himself to people who don't believe in Him. If you think He doesn't exist because you don't see Him with your eyes, then you have fallen for the biggest Lie in history. When you were supposed to be listening for Truth. God only wants people who love the Truth. The rest will miss the boat. Noah descended from Adam and Eve, who were not led out of the garden by something they saw. They were led out by something they heard. What is it you are hearing.

Noah was a prophet and a preacher of righteousness, the Bible says so. He isn't famous for being Noah, He is famous for being a Prophet. Just as Abraham, Moses and Elijah were, after him. Throughout all of Scripture the main thing prophets do is speak God's Truth. Almost all of it is delivered in one of two ways. As a threat or as a warning. You cannot get mad at a prophet for being a prophet. That is not only his job, it is his Call. To despise them for doing what they are supposed to would make your own position ridiculous, and expose you as a hypocrite. No matter what your beliefs.

It is no accident this movie was made now, even though it is director driven. Timing goes with authority. There is only one Authority. The movie has come out for His purposes alone, no matter what any others have attached to them. And He only has to get in it a little. He is a big God. If you knew Him, you would find it funny how careless people are being with their future. Most would not gamble with 5 dollars the way they are gambling with their eternity right now. Which is determined entirely in this life. When your time here ends, you go where your god goes. There is only one God. All the rest is Idolatry. I didn't say that, the Bible does. The film gets it right in the big strokes. The nature of the prophet, the shape of the ark, the global flood. The rest won't matter. Soon.

As the prophet of God the voice of Noah was the most important of his generation. Do prophets still speak today. Of course they do. But if you don't even believe in God, you won't hear them. That will matter not at all, except to you. Kenneth Copeland, Keith Moore, Rick Joyner, they're all prophets. Huge ministries. Two of them are global. They've been around for decades. We're partners with all three, but we are a partner ministry with the biggest and most despised. Brother Copeland. We tell of some of the more shocking truths of Noah's day in the Wordpress link below.

The voice of God's prophets is still the most important voice in the earth. You better get in on that before it's too late. Warnings only last for awhile. If God is real and the Bible is true, what kind of prophet would I be if I didn't warn you. Believers believe the Bible. If you don't believe the Bible you are not a Believer. If you don't believe in God or the Bible then it doesn't matter what you think about Noah. It only matters what you think about Hell. God is not keeping anyone out of Heaven, they have refused to come in. Get in while the getting is good friend, there's plenty of room. Your entire cost has been paid by a Friend, but you have to believe. In the Bible believing is simply a choice. Just like it was in Noah's day.

Brother Greg Mullins

Full Grown Ministry
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