Painfully Real
28 March 2014
After 1989 sadly the Romanian Cinema took a fall in my opinion , but I would recommend this short flick Marilena de la P7 for its brutal reality I have found this one very, very disturbing and I am not easily moved. It was a sad remembrance if you will because I have Lived/borne on 1989 lol in that exact part of the city were the action take place and it shocked me to see how painfully real it felt it connected deeply withme as almost I would have lived there again and see/go through daily some of the events depicted in this short flick Marilena de la P7 To be honest I will admit when I saw this it was the first time I cried as an adult full grown male. Lol glad I saw it alone :))

I will give it 9 out of 10 just because I wish it would have been a 2 hours movie :)) .

You can find it You tube with ENG SUBS if you want to Check it out and don't speak RO. Just copy Paste the name (I guess I am not allowed to put the link directly but its easy to find )
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