She's got legs...
30 March 2014
Like almost all films from the earliest days of movies, "A Wake in Hell's Kitchen" is very, very short—so short that it's really too short to give a numerical score. At only about a minute, it is actually about average length for the time.

This short just goes to show you that people were jerks—even back in the 'good old days'. This film is unusual because they built an impressive set for the day and it looks like the inside of a subway tunnel. A drunk and two rowdy girls are about to board a train but their obnoxious behavior is noticed by a subway cop. The last straw is when one of the women is apparently sticking her legs out the train car's window…and it ends with an interesting twist. Overall, while the subject matter and set are unusual, the film is clearly typical of comedies of the age— short and with one joke. Worth s peek considering it's so short.
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