Peep Show: New Year's Eve (2010)
Season 7, Episode 6
Season 7: Narrative a bit fragmented with weak aspects but still very funny
30 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The seventh season of this show picks up on the final episode of season 6 in some ways (Sophie giving birth) but technically reboots everything in other ways (Jeremy's relationship is over and immediately another "fill a season" doomed for failure "relationship" begins). From here it looks like the season may be dominated by Mark being a new father and, although it makes other problems, the season doesn't do this and instead mixes it up quite a bit. The plot sees Mark dealing with fatherhood, unemployment, Jez all the time while trying to get together with Dobby, meanwhile Jez gets a job while also risking it just to have an affair with his boss's girlfriend no matter what it takes.

Without a doubt this season produces plenty of very good laughs as well as some very strong episodes, so in this regard the season works and made me laugh frequently. In terms of events it stays close to the characters and thus works as it should; so Mark's awkwardly cowardliness is used well while as usual Jez's horndoggery is the cause of trouble for both. So far so good but in this season the plot feels a little like it is chasing the scenarios rather than the scenarios coming about as a result of the plotting. As a result there were bits that I didn't really buy and they seemed less convincing because they were in support of jokes rather than being the base for the comedy. Specifically I never cared for the Dobby sub-plot; not because I don't like the character but just because it seemed to come and go based on whether or not it was needed for material - not because it was part of the characters' stories. Like I say, it was still funny, but the plot stuttered and seemed to jump around to whatever was needed rather than flowing as a tale.

The cast are as strong as normal. Mitchell and Webb know their characters inside out and if they are overly familiar with them then it doesn't show in their performances - as always Mitchell is my preferred while Webb would benefit from a bit more variety in his material (although he still works as a man driven by his own selfish desires). Babington and Beeput are decent additions to the cast, albeit in familiar characters. Suttie was better when her role was clearer but in this case now she is thrown around a bit in her performance by the material (likewise Howick but to a lesser extent). King remains funny but Colman is conspicuous by how little she appears outside of the first episode and it feels like this was more to do with her availability rather than the desire of the writers. Other supporting roles come and go and are decent (including brief turns from Joseph and Winkleman) but do rather add to the feeling of the season being a bit fragmented in nature.

Season 7 is still funny and does have generally good episodes and plenty of laughs, but the narrative is not the best. On Mark's side it seems messy and a bit convenient whereas for Jez the "fall for wrong woman" thing is getting a bit too familiar.
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