Helix: Dans L'Ombre (2014)
Season 1, Episode 13
Le sigh
28 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Here we are, at the end of a turbulent, and possible only-oops, spoke too soon-season. Okay, it has been more than turbulent. It has been a drunken circus padded with unintentionally humorous revelations and woefully wasted potential.

Between the the fairly average portrayals of the cast save Hiroyuki Sanada and the diminishing returns of intrigue as the series progressed, it is difficult not to feel incredibly let down especially given how good last year's first season of Defiance got in its latter half. I am not sure when Helix stopped being, but I do know that Hatake's revelation of the 500 immortals was the point of no return. Even though Sanada's incredible delivery of the line is the best one can expect out of any actor, it can't distract from the fact that it is Helix jumping the shark.

Maybe the Pilot fooled us into thinking Helix could be good viral outbreak show rather than a disguised Supernatural wannabe. Maybe Helix has just been one extensive prank. Maybe the writers ran out of ideas 3 episodes in.

Now that the second season has been confirmed, I am wary of what direction they will take. Will the show maintain the one day per episode format? Will we get different main characters? Will the show take itself more seriously or continue down its ridiculous path? Certain plot points actually do have genuine emotional impact so it is clear that there is some semblance of realism in the show.

Wherever it goes, I am sure I will wind up checking it out next year. Masochistic tendencies and all...
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