Reindeer (2011)
One For Reindeer Fans
4 April 2014
There's two vague types of documentary . Those that let the audience make up their own minds on a subject and those who shout and scream at you that you should be taking the same side as the documentary makers . A good example of the first would be the early work of Nick Broomfield while the second example would of course be Michael Moore . REINDEER falls very firmly in to the first school as we're shown a bunch of reindeer herders in a cold frozen tundra . As Bob says there is no context to what we're being shown apart from the images themselves . There's no dialogue and considering it lasts for a grand total of three minutes the scope is very limited . Why are reindeer herded ? Why does someone want be involved in reindeer herding ? What do reindeer do before and after their only working day on the 25th of December ? Your guess is as good as mine . It's often a problem of short films that they merely exist as a sales pitch as in " Give us money to make a feature film based on our idea " and one gets the same feeling watching this documentary . Mind you people who love animals in general and four legged ones in particular will enjoys this though they'll probably complain it's not long enough
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