Review of Exposed

Being Mary Jane: Exposed (2014)
Season 1, Episode 5
2nd thoughts about Mary Jane's career and personal life are the main focus of this episode.
6 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In "Exposed" really nothing big does gets exposed, but we do get to know Paul Jr. a little bit more. Outside of that, David returns, but seemingly isn't going to reignite a love triangle; Mary Jane shows that she believes in credibility over friendship; and then there is still Andre. Who, despite me having no love for how they met, or the state of their relationship with Mary Jane being a happy mistress, it is hard to not admit that they are kind of cute together.

Topic 1: The Patterson Family

Focusing on the, thus far, least shown member of the Patterson family, Paul Jr., we learn that he has been in school for quite some time. First, he went to school to be a lawyer, then changed his major so now he is going to school to be an architect. This new major though is seemingly working out. He is currently interning at an architectural firm, and seemingly the sole Black member of the office, go tokenism! But, even with him helping to land a big account, and possible employment upon graduating, right now he, to Paul Sr.'s knowledge, isn't working. Truth is though, he has amassed $7,000+ by drug dealing, and while Paul Sr. may not have found out about the drugs, he has found out about the money and seemingly is trying to give Paul Jr. the same opportunity a lot of rich kids have in which he can simply focus on school and his internship, as daddy handles the rest.

But, while daddy seems to be handling his son's business, it seems it is at the expense of some other things. For one, according to Helen, the house has gone to hell, no thanks to the multiple generations living there, and now she finds out she has been directly inconvenienced. You see, with Helen's health getting better, her bougie side is starting to rear its head. And as she begins to try to pick up her life from where it was before she got Lupus, she begins to realize their financial situation isn't what it used to be, which displeases her, to put it lightly. The main issue though is this table, which costs a bit of money to sit at, which Helen is so adamant on having that, in Mary Jane's words, she pimps out Paul Sr. to Catherine to have. Mind you, she only lets him dance with her husband for a little bit, but situations like this illustrate what Paul Sr. was talking about a few episodes back about his and Helen's relationship.

Topic 2: Possible Regrets

Speaking of relationships, it is beginning to become difficult to argue that Andre and Mary Jane aren't cute together. And considering Andre seemingly has left Avery, perhaps this whole "We met while he was still married" thing can just be something quickly ran through when they talk about their relationship. Which, by the way, has progressed to the point they now live together as Andre waits on a loft to be finished. But, despite this evolution in their relationship, they still are not public, which is starting to get on Mary Jane's nerves, and even Andre's to a point.

For example, Mark takes out Mary Jane's trash, and Mary Jane hides Andre as soon as she sees Mark. Then, when it comes to the Gala where Helen pimps out Paul Sr., because Avery maybe there, Andre decides not to go. Not because he doesn't want to, per se, but because he still cares for her enough to not embarrass her. Thus leading to regret no.1: David is at the gala. Now, since Andre couldn't go, Lisa ends up being Mary Jane's date and after David talks about selling his company, how he kept in contact with Mary Jane's parents, and an embarrassing speech from Helen, Lisa then hits the final blow by asking, "Why didn't you step up?" Since, seemingly, David's problem was he didn't step up and Mary Jane was being too cute about her feelings, and what she wanted, to get David. But, as of now, seemingly the train has left the station. David is living with his new girl, possibly the one who he went out with when Mary Jane had that hurricane news report, and it has gotten serious.

Leading to me talking about why this section is "Possible Regrets." Take note, Andre was built up by his wife, while David built his life on his own. David, though he got issues, doesn't have the baggage of children like Andre does, and a possibly vindictive ex waiting to pounce. And while Mary Jane surely loves Andre, she gets caught up in the moment and almost kisses David, but he stops her since he has someone now. Leading her to feel more embarrassed than when her mom expressed she still had hopes for them.

Topic 3: Goodbye Old Friend

Ludicrous guest stars as a writer who exposed, using embellishes, a lot of inhumane treatment in prisons, which did cause change. However, upon his informant changing his story, and an ex-girlfriend snitching, his empire is tumbling, and Mary Jane ends up the one putting a stake through it. Mind you, she gave him a chance to tell his side, but seemingly he wanted to hold onto his glory more than explain himself. And, at the gala, a man tries to confront Mary Jane about "a Black woman tearing the Black man down" and seemingly when David stepped in and handled things, that might have been the serious spark which lead to her rethinking her decision to not step up with David.
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