Californication: Blind Faith (2013)
Season 6, Episode 10
Horror, horror
7 April 2014
I remember first season of Californication as one of the best surprises ever with great characters, humor and romantic, and yet not soapy story between Hank and Karen that made sense.

When I see a quality drop between that and season 6, it makes my stomach hurt.

Many religious people found Californication offensive. I disagreed until this episode. It's all about smart and witty humor that makes people think, not insulting somebody or his beliefs, if you don't believe me ask Monty Python.

Being provocative as self purpose, and not result of humor is a cheap way around. On top of it, writers added black and white characters with poor, undereducated redneck Christians driving cheap cars, and enlightened rock muse Faith coming home in big style in Porshe. This and horrible cliché dialog made this episode look like bad liberal propaganda. I wrote bad, because liberal is supposed to have something with liberty and equality, not prejudice. This propaganda is nothing better then religious one.

One should also mention support cast that looks like it's been borrowed from some 3rd class soap opera filming near by to that degree that looks like actors playing Faith's mother and father are mocking with themselves. Maggie Grace playing Faith looks like she's having trouble with having faith in dialog written for her. David Duchovny is trying to hold things together, and partially succeeds because of his sense of humor and due to fact that he doesn't speak so much, but again - it's a short way around.

Problem with this episode and general problem with season 6 is little but important thing called story - there is not one in here. Karen holding distance between her and Hank is here for one purpose only - to create space for situations that are supposed to be funny but feel kind of forced. When writers don't now what to do they put Charlie Runkle on stage, but jokes he throws have been worn out. Tim Minchin as Atticus is often overacting and looks like poor substitute for Lew Ashby played by Callum Keith Rennie in season 2.

I'm trying to find something positive in this episode and season in general but failed to do so.

Crew should do some praying for season 7, it's about only thing left after this season.

3/10 (just because of sentimental feelings for first 3 seasons)
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