Review of Antisocial

Antisocial (I) (2013)
Social media will be the end of the world
10 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
By half an hour in, I was wondering who possibly could watch this movie and not want to throw something at the screen. I read about the movie and it said a bunch of college students are holed up in their house while crazy events happen around them. That's not what happens, really, it's just a bunch of students holed up in a house while a virus spreads making everyone act like zombies. I didn't realize it was an almost zombie movie, and I'm pretty tired of zombies, I don't find them scary and I think they're played out. But every once in a while I'll see a zombie movie I like, so I stuck it out. They're not actually zombies though, they're not dead, they're just sick, and violent. For some reason the news in the movie says it's a biological terror attack, but in reality it's a virus spread by social media. Seriously. It comes through the cell phones of people messing around on "the social redroom" (facebook.) So there's that. Forget that it's literally impossible to spread a virus (a biological one) through a computer or a cell phone. It's like a computer virus that spreads to people if they spend too much time on social networking sites. This is explained at the end of the movie, which helps a little, but not really. The people in the movie don't realize how it spreads yet. They're all at a new year's party and a few of them spend most of the time with their friends on their phones or laptop. A bit of the movie we watch takes place on a screen on the screen. Then there's one guy who keeps saying "we don't know if he's infected" about 1) a friend of theirs who shows up at their door demanding to be let in with his nose and ears bleeding (the signs everyone says to watch for). He still wants to let him in, because "we don't know if that's what he has." Really? Then his friend who is in the house tells him he's sick, and says he has the symptoms, and he says it again. "We don't know if that's what you have." But then, when the girl in the house pukes, he thinks she has it. The one person with symptoms that don't fit the virus is the one person he assumes has it. This guy, by the way, is a medical undergrad student. There are some kind of interesting ideas, like when the dead die they basically become like computers themselves, or phones. I just can't get past the idea that if you look at a screen too much you will get a biological virus, The explanation is (SPOILER) that the site, and the infected, make your brain grow too big for your head. Even with that though, I probably would have enjoyed it more if the actors didn't act like such morons. They do in a lot of horror movies, but these guys are too dumb. And the ending doesn't really make sense, though I kind of liked it.
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