In the Drink (2010–2011)
Showing one plot summary
11 April 2014
"In The Drink" is about a hipster who walks into a dive only to find he represents the invasion of gentrification, a violation of the old watering hole / dive and finds resistance from the bartender and a long-time customer. These old timers tell the hipster some very strange and dark stories about people who frequent the bar. Each story is represented as a separate film within the feature. It's kind of like Twilight Zone or Tales From the Crypt. The strongest of the 4 are the first 2 and then it slips a bit from there ending with a totally absurd story about a gardener and a weed-whacker. All in all it's quite ambitious and entertaining especially if you like the darker side of life and the strange/surreal. It would make an interesting series for HBO, etc. as the old guys could spin tales all day long.
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