Nothing really extraordinary here...
11 April 2014
I used to enjoy Animes and Mangas quite a lot when I was younger, but haven't really watched a lot ever since I left my teenage and young adult years behind. But I do manage to squeeze in the occasional series or movie here and there.

From the synopsis to "Blood-C: The Last Dark" then it sounded like it would be rather interesting, or at the very least have some great potential.

And now having seen the movie, I must admit that I was a bit disappointed, because the movie turned out only to be mediocre. There was nowhere near as much gore and violence as people had made it out to contain, and the storyline started out in a great pace and was interesting, but it quickly took a turn, and not for the better. The movie quickly toned down in pace and sort of started to drag out with too many scenes with just dialogue and plot building, whereas the action, gore and mayhem were left in the side track.

Animation-wise, then "Blood-C: The Last Dark" was quite alright. Although I didn't really fully welcome or grasp the reason for why they had to make use of CGI animation alongside with ordinary Japanese style animation. It just didn't blend all that well; pick one style and stick with it.

I was so cursed to watch the English dubbed version, which was also sort of a moment of irritation, as I prefer to watch everything in its original language. Dubbing, despite it being in 2014, is still painful to witness, and it is rare that you come across dubbing work that is really done with such gusto, heart and soul that it is actually up to level with the original language.

I assume that you have to be a fan of the series to properly enjoy this. I must admit that I didn't even know that there was a series, not before after having read some IMDb reviews for this movie.
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