Great message, poor storyline
13 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Note: This review does not reveal specific details, but it may reveal the overall storyline and especially the way the movie may end.

I am confused as to where I should place this movie: it has a great message embedded in the teachings of the "Socrates" character and in the interactions between the protagonist and Socrates, but the storyline is poor, predictable and "americanized" in the sense that the actions of the protagonist, especially towards how the plot develops towards the end goes against the core of the teaching and the message it is trying to convey. It's as if they hijacked a noble message and twisted it enough to apply it in a wrong way to a poor purpose and a mediocre ending. Therefore I will give it a 6. Another related point, in the recommendations of IMDb "People who liked this also liked..." they provide suggestions for other movies like "The Notebook" and "Pride and Prejudice"... what do those movies have in common? I advise IMDb to revise and make amendments to this program because it is quite flawed overall (not just for this movie). There are much better algorithms to enable finding similar movies, the one used now is quite useless. I honestly prefer to view the lists the other users have written (when they are available) to get good recommendations.
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