An exciting and engaging piece of cinema.
16 April 2014
Day of the Flowers is an exciting and engaging film about two sisters taking their father's ashes to Cuba. At first it would appear that the sisters are complete polar opposites, Rosa the politico and Alli the fashionista, as the story unfolds we see that underneath the sisters are more alike than they realise. The story unfolds in Cuba which provides a stunning backdrop. "Day of the Flowers" allows us to glimpse the darker side of Cuba as well as the touristic, I found this very refreshing. The characters are well thought out and developed and beautifully acted, especially Rosa - Eva Birthiste, Alli - Charity Wakefield and Thomas-Carlos Acosta. We get to see human nature in all it's complexities. The mix of the exotic and neurotic makes "Day of the Flowers" a feel good movie, I left the cinema wanting more and with a curiosity to find out what the next chapter holds for the sisters and Thomas. I would highly recommend this film to everyone, go see it and enjoy the visual feast.
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