Lukewarm (2012)
Pious Propaganda Leaves Me Cold
16 April 2014
This starts with a preacher warning his congregation that " So many churchgoers today that call themselves Christian are fooling themselves " . Since this preacher has a Southern accent I'm kind of guessing he's an evangelical Protestant ,. Possibly a Baptist so he's probably referring to Catholics and every other Protestant denomination . Probably other Baptists too , especially black ones . Why is it that churches in American gave one church for black people and another one for white people ? The supposed Jesus of Nazarath said " Love thy brother " but no doubt a lot of Christians get around stating that in those daysnobody realised the racial diversity of the human species and loving thy brother is a dogma confined to those belonging to the same race . Probably confined to inside the local prayer meeting group members . Everyone else is defined as a heretic and the worst heretics are the scientifically minded atheists . At least that's the impression I got with LUKEWARM which left me cold . It's Christian propaganda and like the worst propaganda it's so useless it makes the people it's demonising feel superior about themselves

Early in the film the protagonist sees a colleague from church called Thomas knock on the door of a man . The shocking thing is Thomas is black and if a white guy and a black guy are a member of the same church group that strains credibility to breaking point . Thomas has knocked on the door of a man called George who looks exactly like an anorexic Burt Reynolds and is an obvious atheist because he tears the pamphlet up saying " Here's what I think of your God Jesus freak " and slams the door in Thomas face . The implication being all atheists are rude angry people . This might actually be justified because the following conversation indicates Thomas constantly knocks on his door trying to force feed him Christian pamphlets . Right let me get this straight . Thomas constantly knocks on someones door , doesn't take no for an answer and is puzzled why this person is a little bit angry at him . Anyone had these cold calls from India asking you to take part in a survey ? Difficult to politely say no when it happens at least every second day isn't it ? And suppose someone asks someone out for a date , doesn't take no for an answer so decides to keep knocking on their door asking for a date until they say yes . The sex offenders register awaits . Quite rightly too . By the way since the angry atheist looks like Burt Reynolds I wonder if the producers tried to get the real Burt Reynolds for that scene ? LUKEWARM could have done with a relatively big name . Since Thomas is black they could have got Ray Winstone for the role and he could have resurrected the boiler house scene from SCUM ? I would have been more than happy to supply the tool

The " All atheists are ignorant , worthless vermin " agenda continues with Luke taking a drive with his atheist friends . Don't ask why an evangelical Christian has atheist friends you're not supposed to question any logic . And what do atheists do ? They like driving around in a car with a couple of chicks who are hotter than Viagra vindaloo who just happened to be in the bar where Luke works because you know all atheists are sexually promiscuous ( I wish ) while gulping down bourbon . Just in case you missed this obvious point Luke needs to then point out is it a good idea to be drinking and driving ? Duh no but this film wants you believe that drunk driving as well as being a slapper is exclusive to atheists . Luke's atheist friend Sam ( He's an atheist don't you know ) then discusses evolution . " Do you know we're descended from apes ? It's survival of the fittest " Obviously the alcohol has affected his brain because he's repeating a common myth of evolution . Homo Sapiens are descended from the same family tree as all the other primates from million years ago . Some of them evolved in to apes and some of them evolved in to us so strictly speaking we're not " descended from apes " Also " survival of the fittest " isn't true either . If a species can't adapt to its environment it will become extinct . " Fitness " has nothing to do with it , it just means some species are more able to adapt to its surroundings " Survival of the fittest " isn't a Darwinian phrase but the war cry of Nazis and fascists and its euphemistic use here seems to be deliberate just to convince the world that if you portray atheists as drunk driving crypto fascists there might be some truth in it . What a disgustingly pious hate filled film
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