Sheena: The Treasure of Sienna Mende (2001)
Season 2, Episode 6
The crystal skull
18 April 2014
Sheena wants to help a tribe with a water supply project, but the technology for that is costly. Luckily, they remember there is a hidden treasure in the area that could cover the costs. The two problems are: first, that the crystal skull that is said to be the key to the treasure has been kept carefully by the tribe, but nobody knows how to use it, and second, a female treasure hunter (Alexandra Tydings) tries to steal the skull. Cutter and Sheena temporarily have to work together with her, though, and sort out the rest later...

Sheena goes Indiana Jones here (keep in mind this episode was filmed before Spielberg's 'Kingdom of the Crystal Skull', though!), and the strong point of the episode is her difficult co-operation with Elena, the lady who is open confessing she is a thief and tells everybody what she wants to steal, and with a broad audacious grin. Quite a different attitude compared to other villains of the series who appeared in disguise on whatever secret missions. That makes her a cool character („I'm a bad influence") to play.
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